Acupuncture for Women: From Menstruation to Fertility

Kinetic Living
5 min readMar 9, 2021


By: Dayna Mulkay | DTCM + Acupuncturist

Acupuncture can help to restore a regular menstrual cycle in women who have irregular periods or when the period is absent. Regulating the menstrual cycle is also of benefit to women who suffer from PCOS (polycystic ovarian syndrome). Some of the signs and symptoms of PCOS include dysmenorrhea (a painful period), menorrhagia (a heavier than normal period) and an irregular cycle. Having an irregular cycle can make it difficult to conceive, as it can become a bit tricky to determine the day of ovulation which is the optimal time for conception.

A normal menstrual cycle is around 28 days, however one or two days early or late also is also completely normal. For women who struggle with PCOS, or a longer menstrual cycle of 30+ days, it makes conceiving more difficult due to the fact that ovulation is difficult to track. This is where acupuncture can significantly help your chances of conceiving, because it balances hormones to synchronize your body to have a normal 28 day cycle, making ovulation around 14 days.

Optimal results are achieved with weekly acupuncture treatments which are directed at correcting any underlying energetic imbalances in the body, as well as the specific physiological changes of each phase of the menstrual cycle.

The menstrual cycle is divided into four distinct phases:

  1. Menstrual: when you get your period
  2. Follicular : the first day of your period
  3. Ovulation: the time when you can get pregnant
  4. Luteal: The uterus prepares for implantation if you are pregnant, if not during this phase you may experience PMS.

When a woman attends weekly acupuncture different points are used for the various phases of the menstrual cycle.

Acupuncture during the Menstrual Cycle


Day one of the cycle is marked by the full flow of menstrual blood (not spotting). The pituitary gland in the brain signals for the production of the hormones FSH (Follicle Stimulating Hormone) and LH (Luteneizing Hormone) to stimulate the growth of follicles. Acupuncture treatment during this phase is directed at moving blood in the uterus to ensure the endometrial lining built up over the previous month is fully shed and to reduce the pain from cramping as well as treating any other symptoms that coincide with the period (e.g. clots, flooding, cramps, nausea and constipation/loose bowel movements).

In Traditional Chinese Medicine, this is a time that blood and Yin (substance, fluids) are being lost. It’s also important to allow your body to rest, and take things slow during this time to allow for smooth flow of Qi and blood and allow your body to replenish was what lost.

Tips during this time to ease menstruation: Avoid strenuous exercise, eat foods like dark leafy greens and beets to build blood, avoid cold raw foods like smoothies and iced drinks, apply heat to the uterus to release cramps and improve flow of blood, stay warm by wearing socks and covering up.


During this stage of the cycle, estrogen builds. This increase in oestrogen thickens the lining of the uterus and increases cervical fluid, otherwise known as “fertile mucus”. Acupuncture during this phase is aimed at improving the uterine and ovarian blood flow to aid development of the ovarian follicles which contain an egg, increasing the lining of the endometrium and increasing cervical fluid.

In TCM, this is the time to build back the blood and Yin that was lost during menstruation and prepare for ovulation by stimulation Qi flow.

Tips during this stage: Start exercising again with your increased energy levels, get out and be active and social, eats foods that are high in proteins and fat like chicken, eggs, avocado, oats, nuts and citrus fruits to continue building blood. This is also a perfect time to do Yin restorative yoga!


The release of an ovum (egg) from the follicle is triggered by a surge in the hormone LH. The cervix is open and fertile cervical mucous increases just before ovulation occurs. This is the only time during your menstrual cycle that you are able to get pregnant. Signs of ovulation are increased cervical mucus, mild cramping, breast sensitivity, increased libido, bloating, and increased energy. If fertilization doesn’t happen, your egg will get absorbed by the body, and it will begin preparing for another period. Acupuncture treatment during this phase is focused on assisting the release of the egg and helps drive the temperature rise we look for when charting a women’s temperature.

In Chinese Medicine, this is a time where Yin energy is in abundance will begin to move into the Yang (energetic, warming) stage of the cycle.

Tips during this phase: energy and sexuality are at their peak, so take advantage of it if you are trying to conceive! Do your most intense workouts during this time since energy is abundant, with high levels of estrogen you want to make sure your body is eliminating it properly so eating lots of veggies will ensure proper bowel movements to help.


During this final phase, progesterone is increasing. Progesterone is secreted by the corpus luteum (what is left of the follicle after the release of the ovum) and helps to thicken the endometrium for implantation and is necessary to sustain a healthy pregnancy. The ovum travels down the Fallopian tube into the uterus after ovulation. If fertilization has occurred the embryo will hopefully implant in the uterus. Acupuncture treatment during this phase depends on whether or not pregnancy is trying to be achieved. If a woman is trying to conceive then treatment is focused on assisting implantation and securing the embryo to prevent miscarriage. If not trying to conceive, treatment is focused on regulating Qi (energy) flow to prepare for the next cycle and help to minimize PMS symptoms. In Chinese Medicine, this is a time where Yang energy is abundant and a time to move Qi and blood to ensure minimal PMS and cramps. During this phase you may notice symptoms such as bloating, mood swings, headaches, insomnia, breakouts, digestive issues and food cravings.

Tips during this phase: exercise while your energy lasts, closer to the time of menstruation your energy will begin to decrease — rest more during this time when at a low, eat lots of fibre to ensure bowel movements are ridding of hormones, magnesium rich foods help to combat cramps during the cycle and with bloating, be easy on yourself- your cycle is about to begin once again!

Eventually, your period will start, and the cycle of transformation renews itself. Yang is released and transformed into yin through a healthy menstrual flow.

No matter where you are in your cycle, acupuncture and herbs are invaluable in regards to maintaining balance. If you have any questions feel free to schedule in a acupuncture session — we’re here to help!

— Dayna Mulkay, Acupucnturist



Kinetic Living
Kinetic Living

Written by Kinetic Living

A multi-disciplinary health facility for your body and your sport.

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